Saturday 24 February 2018

Trusting God when making decisions

Consider your own life for a minute. When you have a choice to make, do you typically accept circumstances for what they are—or do you appeal to God for intelligence and measure your choices on the Word of God?

Each choice we make influences us, as well as the general population around us. Indeed, even future ages are influenced by the decisions we make today. So we have to look for God's Word for direction, and we have to regard the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our heart.

I think one about the principle reasons a few people let others settle on choices for them is they don't generally trust they can hear from God. They wish they could or trust they can. They think about whether they can yet they're apprehensive they don't.

With regards to the duties and the life God has called you to, there's a blessing for all time inside you. This implies the Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you. It's your blood-purchased, God—offered ideal to take after the Holy Spirit's initiative.

I urge you to believe yourself with God and let him know, "God, I need to get notification from You. I would prefer not to do anything outside Your will. So I'm going to trust that You speak to me, and I am going to trust that I can hear from You.

  Hearing from God

In John 10:27‭-‬28 KJV
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:   And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

Those that reads and believe the word of God and put it in practice are always in a divine agenda they are the ones that hears from God., hearing from God is not when God appears to you physically as most of people think God can speak to you through your fellow human or even through your children or wife or husband etc it depends on your relationship with God through his word., reading your Bible everyday and putting his command into practice is also a sure way to hear from God. If you follow God's leadership, you will have peace, joy, righteousness, and you'll bear good fruit. God never drives us to occupied ourselves so much that we're worried constantly and have no joy. What's more, He won't attempt to confound your mind—that is the adversary's work.


God, I want to hear from You. I don't want to do anything outside Your will. So I'm going to trust that You speak to me, and I am going to trust that I can hear from You in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

(Explore the word of God here)


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