Thursday 1 March 2018

How comfortable are christian

Do you feel safe in the Lord? Yes you should.  Comfort and peace are great blessings from the Lord.  He loves us so much that He gave His Son and sent the Holy Spirit who is called The Comforter., John 14:26, KJV=>   But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

sometimes comfort can be a stumbling block.  Sometimes comfort can rob us of our strength and dependence on God.
There is nothing wrong with being comfortable, unless that comfort makes us depend on God less, and cause us to become complacent about the lost around us.

Turn to God 

God sometimes allows trials and tribulations in our lives in order to get us to look to Him.  Struggle tends to strengthen faith because in struggle we turn to God.  He answers our prayers and provides our needs and we in turn praise Him.  In this process, the Holy Spirit is alive in us, working mightily, and we sense Him teaching us, guiding us, shaping us.  That is why whenever we are close to God, we are far from sin.  Whenever we are close to God, we are aware of our ungodliness.  Whenevert we are close to God, we are concerned for the lost--because He is.  Are you far from sin?  Are you aware of your ungodliness?

In this manner, I ask you. Have you turned out to be diverted from the calling of God to develop in elegance and make disciples of all countries? I am not looking at doing your obligation of going to chapel on Sunday and perusing your Bible once in a while. I'm looking at making progress, currently looking for God, being willing go for broke for Him, requesting to be utilized, requesting to be molded, and so on. It is safe to say that you are doing that? If not, perhaps you are excessively comfortable.

What to do:>

On the off chance that you imagine that perhaps you have backslidden along these lines, at that point I have a few proposals.

One you have to pray to the Lord and ask Him to reveal your sins to you.  Confess them and do your best to repent as you continue to rely on His grace.  Second, read your Bible regularly and ask the Lord to apply to your heart what you read.  Third, ask God to put a desire on your heart that is in accordance with your spiritual giftings so that you may not only grow and edify the body of Christ, but also to reach out to the lost.  If you don't know what your spiritual gifts are, that's okay.  God will show you.  Fourth, don't be afraid to take risks for the Lord.  Don't be afraid to become a little un-comfortable.  Tithe.  Pray.  Intercede.  Read the Word.  Confess your sins.  Speak the good news to the world.

Have in mind that our life is about loving God and others and sharing the good news to every living sole.

(Explore the word of God here)


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