Saturday 10 February 2018


God loves you, no matter who you are. Does
God love an adulterer? Yes, He does! Does God love a thief? Yes, He does! Does God love a fornicator  ? Yes, He does! Does God love a killer? Yes, He does!

It would be ideal if you comprehend that when I say "love," I mean agape love, that is, God's unrestricted love for all mankind. God adores us in view of Who He is, and not due to our identity.

God adores all sinners, yet He isn't fond of them. God is attached to the individuals who obey Him. I am disheartened by the scorn that some claimed "Christians" have for the unsaved. It is lamentable. Indeed, God hates sin and the wrath of God stands upon Christ-rejecters read(John 3:36); One of the saddest things of our generation is how professed Christians treat each other. Jesus taught us to wash each other's dirty feet, and to love one another as our self. When Moses went up to the top of Mount Sinai to beg God to forgive the sins of the Jews, God did. Exodus 32:14, “And the LORD repented of the evil which He thought to do unto His people.” Unfortunately, the people were dancing naked around a calf committing idolatry and adultery before Moses even got back down to the camp. They had already broken all of the Ten Commandments! Then Moses got mad. Please notice that NO ONE died that day accept those who chose to. Exodus32:26 reads, “Who is on the LORD's side? let him come unto me.” The Jews who refused to come over to the Lord's side were killed that day (thousands of them). God didn't just kill them! It was their own sinful pride that got them killed. Pride is destructive! America's day of reckoning is coming, when her proud neck will be broken.

Yes, God does get angry about sin, very angry! In fact, Psalm 7:11 declares that “God is angry with the wicked every day.” John 3:36 warns that the "wrath of God abideth" upon Christ-rejecters.

However, the entire Bible is based upon the FACT that God loves mankind, so much so that God the Father sent His only begotten Son into the world to suffer and die for our sins. Romans 5:8,9 reads, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.” God proved His love toward mankind by sending His Son into this hostile, sin-cursed world and giving His life for our sins.

“God loves you. It doesn't make any difference who you are. You can't keep Him from loving you. Now you can get into a place where you won't experience the love of God. When you put up an umbrella of sin, the sunshine of God's love sure won't fall on you. But it's still there for you.



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