Friday 26 January 2018


What's your aim while fasting. A lot of people are praying but at the same time they are not praying what do I mean by that, a lot of Christian are confused while praying that's why you see some people after praying for days, weeks,months etc they haven't got what they want from God while because they lack the wisdom of praying .

One thing we must know is that everything has a weak point both in our needs from God. But in praying for our needs from God we use aim or target not weak point

Now how do you know your aim of praying.
How do you focus.

You are having a stomach ache and the pain is hurting you so badly at the same time you are having financial breakdown but while praying you are praying to be rich while the one that hurts you most is the stomach pain then after praying the money you prayed for didn't come the stomach ache is still hurting you and you begin to ask your self why are all this happening to me the reason is that the first one which is the stomach ache is still disturbing you but you left it and jump to the second one their by putting your self in a confused state that you can't focus on what to pray about and it leads lots of people in questioning God  "why this and why that" forgetting what god said in
Matthew 6:8
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

As we understand here that God is already a wear of our heart desire, while then do lots of us struggle/ confused while praying to God


O God give me the wisdom to know my aim of prayer

(Explore the word of God here)


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