Wednesday 24 January 2018


God has given us the power to choose but not the power to choose the consequences that comes with our choices. The way we respond to the consequences of our choices matters looking at the book of Genesis 25 vs 34
Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.
 In this verse a lot of people in our present time are like Esau. Esau made his choice without being conscious of the consequences of his choice by giving out his right as the first son to his little brother Jacob only because he was hungry.,

We need to be conscious of our decisions before taking any action , a lot of people are being haunted by their choices, looking at the book of Genesis 27 vs 41
And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.
Here you will also understand that Jacob also made his own choice not knowing what the consequences might be and he is being haunted by his choice. But Jacob was a man of strength and humility which made him accept the consequences of his actions.

As we all know now that no one can escape the consequences of our choices the best way to treat it is by accepting the consequences of our actions with humility and strength

(Explore the word of God here)


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