Wednesday 16 May 2018

Can God Change My Life?

When I first became a Christian many years ago, my life was filled with many dirty things that I knew were displeasing to God. My problem was that I did not have the power to change – even when I wanted to change. I tried to change things in my life a lot of different times and a lot of different ways, but nothing ever lasted.

In 2Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 


What does someone need in order for his or her life to change?

In order to change, a person needs two things – the desire to change and the power to change. If a man deeply desires to walk, but he is paralyzed in both of his legs, he is still not able to walk. Having the desire to change but not having the actual power to do so is very, very frustrating and makes it impossible to change. Applying this truth to the Christian life, the desire to change comes from within, but the power we need to change is only made available through the work of the Holy Spirit.
That means we need to receive the Holy Spirit in order to make true, lasting changes in our lives. The moment someone becomes a Christian, God the Father gives the Holy Spirit to permanently live inside of them, which gives them everything they need in order to make any change in their life. 



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