Wednesday 14 February 2018

2017 the year of the lord's favor

In Isaiah 61 vs 1-11
In this verse you will understand that the message brought from God to us is a good news. In this verse Jesus was given the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah at the synagogue in Nazareth when he talked these astounding words: From verse one of Isaiah 61 to end

The Spirit of the Lord God has arrived; in light of the fact that the Lord hath blessed me to lecture great greetings unto the accommodating; he hath sent me to tie up the beaten down, to broadcast freedom to the hostages, and the opening of the jail to them that are bound; To announce the adequate year of the Lord , and the day of retribution of our God; to comfort all that grieve; To name unto them that grieve in Zion, to give unto them excellence for powder, the oil of delight for grieving, the piece of clothing of acclaim for the soul of greatness; that they may be called trees of uprightness, the planting of the Lord , that he may be celebrated. What's more, they might manufacture the old squanders, they should raise up the previous devastations, and they might repair the waste urban areas, the destructions of numerous ages. What's more, outsiders should stand and sustain your groups, and the children of the outsider might be your cultivators and your vinedressers. Be that as it may, ye should be named the Priests of the Lord : men might call you the Ministers of our God: ye might eat the wealth of the Gentiles, and in their grandness should ye brag yourselves. For your disgrace ye might have twofold; and for perplexity they should celebrate in their part: consequently in their property they should have the twofold: everlasting delight might be unto them. For I the Lord love judgment, I detest theft for consumed offering; and I will coordinate their work in truth, and I will make an everlasting contract with them. Furthermore, their seed might be known among the Gentiles, and their posterity among the general population: all that see them should recognize them, that they are the seed which the Lord hath favored. I will extraordinarily cheer in the Lord , my spirit should be blissful in my God; for he hath dressed me with the articles of clothing of salvation, he hath secured me with the robe of exemplary nature, as a groom decketh himself with trimmings, and as a lady of the hour adorneth herself with her gems. For as the earth bringeth forward her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forward; so the Lord God will make nobility and praise to spring forward before every one of the nations.


With faith we have in God we pray that this year turn to be the year of the lords favour in our life Amen

(Explore the word of God here)


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